
Expansion of Grow Operation

Since moving to Nichols Canyon in April 2009 I have increased my interest in sustainable living significantly.  I have a 2,200 sq. ft. home on an 18,000 sp. ft. lot.  That's a lot of extra land you say, well I agree with you.  Problem is, most of that extra space is steeper than normal terrain.  Not exactly build-able land.  So, since most of you know I'm such a keen gardener I have decided to utilize this steep terrain for my new garden/orchard.  I am lucky enough to have a massive, south facing hillside above my home that is ideal for growing except for the steepness of the terrain.  When I was young I used to go to Greece a lot in the summer time and it was there that I first saw how farmers can utilize steep terrain to grow crops by building out terraces.  So, this is what I'm doing.  I have room to build about 4 terraces ranging from 20-60 ft long.  I will be planting fruit and nut trees.  A whole row of grape vines and then the other 2 will be for mainly vegetables.  I don't see the point in grass.  Its absolutely useless.  In our western culture we have created this aura around having a nice green lawn in front of our homes.  What is the purpose?  To look cool?  To have the greenest grass?  What a waste of space.  Mark these words people.  I will never have a giant green lawn.  I will use that land to feed myself and my family.  Why the hell not?  Grass is as useful as tits on a... tits on ummmm... tits on ME!  What the hell do I have tits for?  They're as useless as a nice green lawn.  If and when I have kids I think they will appreciate the time they spend helping grow food for our sustenance rather than to kick a soccer ball around.  They can go to the park and kick a ball.  At home, we're farmers!!  End of story.  I've said my piece.  Now go take on the day. 

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